In the Northern Hemisphere, autumn is slowly but surely conquering space from summer. After the bustling summer, days are getting darker, and the natural energy is slowing down. During this beautiful transition, nature is shifting into recovery and rest mode. If you can witness seasonal changes in nature around you, you will see leaves on the trees undergoing their metamorphosis into yellow, orange, and red hues. Nature turns into a golden oasis before all the leaves are shed and the winter season arrives. You will see flocks of birds starting to head into warmer areas. You will spot seasonal plants such as mushrooms and berries flourishing in the forests. When taking a walk in the forest, you may hear the rustle of dry leaves beneath your steps. When you inhale deeply and mindfully, you may sense the bittersweet smell of the remnants of summer, such as decaying leaves, fruits, and berries. You will definitely enjoy the fresh, moist autumn air. The September winds may still be gentle, but you can slowly start feeling the winds getting colder as the autumn season progresses. Autumn is a spiritually significant time. It’s believed that the veil between our world and the underworld gets thinner during autumn. This means you might feel the shivers of otherworldly energies flowing around you, inviting you to honor the connection with the unseen and with your ancestors.
Perhaps in your natural environment, the shift isn’t so visually noticeable. However, there is always a shift in energies with the seasonal changes. With the shift in energies, there is a natural change in needs and desires within you. With the changing needs and desires, there is also an invitation for pausing and deeper reflection. Seasonal changes are a time to redefine your routines. Continuing with the same pace and routines throughout the entire year is not advisable since it would be against your innate cyclical rhythms. Natural cycles are what we want to honor and cherish for our greatest well-being and for our deep connection with nature.
As the autumn season is here, you are encouraged to reflect on these themes:
What marks the transition into autumn for you? What changes do you notice within yourself? How about around you? How are your needs shifting with the change of seasons, and how is your energy shifting?
Autumn is the time of year that intuitively asks you to slow down. Autumn invites you to create more comfort and coziness in your life. It encourages you to soften and choose an easier way of living. Autumn is the time to turn inward after all the activity of summer. With decreasing daylight, it’s natural to have less energy to share. Autumn is the time to redefine your energetic boundaries. You may pause to think: How full is your energetic cup after the summer?
Autumn is a natural invitation to spend more time at home, in your safe space, and hear the whispers of your inner needs. Autumn is the time to relax and treat yourself. Make space for flexibility, grounding, and stillness. Make space for rejuvenating rituals. Let go of the activity of summer and surrender to everything that simply is. During autumn, you want to pay extra attention to embracing harmony and balance in everything. Autumn is not the time for overdoing it and being very active. Autumn is about prioritizing self-care and simplifying your life. Remember to ask for help and say no whenever you feel like it. Remember to honor your own needs. Connect with your inner wisdom by listening to the cues of your heart and soul. What do you need right now to feel more softness and lightness in your life?
Cherish the changing of seasons by reflecting on what you want to bring with you into this season. With autumn, you want to reflect on: What did summer bring into my life? What should I keep, and what should I let go of? What is good for me? What needs to change?

Autumn Equinox Insights and Journaling Prompts
The Autumn Equinox in late September marks the time when there’s an equal amount of daylight and darkness. From the Autumn Equinox onward, the days begin to be more and more filled with darkness than daylight.
The Autumn Equinox traditionally begins the season of the Moon. This is the darker season of the year and lasts through the winter until the Spring Equinox in March. The season of the Moon is an invitation for you to turn into a space of rest, recovery, and nurturing. The Moon’s energy encourages you to take care of yourself and your dear ones. It naturally invites you to turn more inward, into a reflective state. Autumn begins the shift to a slower pace of life, honoring the softness of living even more. During these darker times, the Moon gently encourages you to be aware of your well-being on the mind, body, and soul levels. Be aware of your social well-being as well, noting what kinds of energies you are surrounded by. Reflect on what kind of energy is the most supportive for you during the darker times of the year. The Moon season truly invites you to tap into your intuition, to listen to your deepest needs and desires. How are your needs and desires being met right now?
The Autumn Equinox is the perfect time for celebrating the past summer. This time is a thanksgiving for the spring and summer. This is the time to think back about what kind of intentions you set during spring and how those intentions flowed and flourished during summer. The Autumn Equinox happens during the harvest season, and it’s the perfect celebration for enjoying seasonal treats and gathering with your dear ones.
During the Autumn Equinox, happening on September 22nd this year, you might want to reflect on these themes:
- How can I bring balance to the areas of my life that feel out of harmony, honoring both the light and the dark within myself?
- Reflect on the balance of light and dark, both externally and internally, and explore where you may need to realign. What parts of your life need more attention or healing as you move into a slower, more reflective season?
- What am I ready to release as I enter this season of rest and recovery, and how can I nurture myself through this process?
- As the Autumn Equinox marks the beginning of a time for rest and introspection, consider what emotional, mental, or physical burdens you can let go of. How can you nurture your mind, body, and spirit during this time?
- What harvest am I reaping from the intentions I set earlier this year, and how can I express gratitude for the lessons and growth they have brought me?
- Reflect on the growth, achievements, and even the challenges from the spring and summer seasons. How have your intentions manifested, and what lessons have you learned that you can carry into the darker months ahead?

Wellness Routines for Autumn Season
Autumn is a time for surrendering. It’s about letting yourself and others simply be, allowing space for yourself and others in their own unique ways. Autumn and the season of the Moon are not the time for rushing and full schedules. Rather, you are called to simplify your life and prioritize self-care and wellness. Prioritize stillness and moments of rest. Create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere around you.
Autumn, along with winter, is also a great time for cleansing any energy blocks you might have. You might at times experience emotions, sensations, and feelings of unease in your mind and body. Energy blocks can also affect your relationships, perhaps causing friction. There may be stuck energy within and around you, especially after the highly energetic spring and summer seasons. Energy cleansing routines and rituals are very beneficial during the calmer times of autumn and winter. These rituals will bring you peace, harmony, and clarity. As a gentle reminder, make sure to include energy cleansing routines in your autumn days.
Create a Cozy and Calm Atmosphere at Home
Transform your living space into a haven of warmth and comfort with soft lighting, gentle textiles, and soothing colors. This will make your home feel like a peaceful retreat.
Foster Supportive Relationships
Spend quality time with loved ones who lift you up and bring joy to your life. Nurture these connections and cherish the moments of support and laughter you share.
Declutter Home and Schedules
Simplify your environment and daily routines to create a serene and organized space. A clutter-free home and schedule can help you feel more relaxed and at ease.
Enjoy Warming Food and Seasonal Treats
Embrace the comfort of seasonal foods like hearty soups, stews, and root vegetables. These nourishing dishes will keep you cozy and satisfied as the weather cools.
Connect with Nature
Take time to enjoy the beauty of autumn by spending time outdoors. Whether you’re taking a walk, admiring the fall foliage, or tending to your garden, let nature refresh and inspire you.
Slow Down and Focus on Self-Care
Give yourself permission to slow down and take care of your well-being. Find moments to rest, reflect, and engage in activities that help you feel replenished and relaxed.
Journal for Harmony and Clarity
Use journaling to explore your thoughts and emotions. It’s a wonderful way to gain clarity, set intentions, and find peace during this introspective season.
Engage in Gentle Movement Practices
Incorporate gentle movement into your daily routine, such as yoga, tai chi, or slow stretching. These practices help you stay connected to your body, promote relaxation, and align your energy with the natural rhythms of the season.
Connect with Your Intuition
Practice mindfulness and meditation to deepen your connection with your inner self. Trust your intuition and let it guide you through the season.
Tune into Gratitude Daily
Make a habit of noting the things you’re grateful for each day. This simple practice can help you stay positive and appreciate the many blessings in your life.
With these autumnal insights and tips, I wish you a delightful and sweet autumn. Stay tuned for more autumn astrology and full moon insights, along with additional tips for wonderful autumn wellness rituals using essential oils and crystals.
With love, light, and harmonious thoughts,
Mimi 🌙
Find Cyclical Living Calendar, Astrology & Moon Phases: Key Dates for August to December 2024 HERE
Read on:
- Powerful Intuitive Journaling Tips for Deep Inner Wisdom
- Welcoming the September 2024 Moon Cycle: Seasonal Reflections and Rituals for Autumn Energy
- September Natural Wellness: 5 Grounding Rituals with Essential Oils and Crystals