Hello, sweet friend,
Today, we will delve into the captivating world of intuition. You will be guided to connect with your innate life force, your inner wisdom, and your inner knowledge. Your intuition is your dearest and most earnest ally.
If I told you to use your intuition to dispel illusions, what sensations, emotions, and thoughts would that evoke in you?
Intuition is your superpower. It is the power of inner knowing and wisdom that naturally resides within you. Intuition is always on your side, providing guidance about your deepest needs and desires. It is ever-ready to lead you on the right path regarding your true calling and well-being. Intuition deeply cares for what is best for your mind, body, and soul.
Intuition speaks to you in multiple ways. Its messages come as subtle sensations and emotions. You may also receive signs around you, such as repeating numbers, song lyrics, tastes, and smells. Intuition reaches you through any of your senses and conveys messages and guidance from your subconscious. You simply need to be aware to notice these subtle nudges of inner wisdom.
Your intuition is always on your side, offering guidance on your deepest needs and desires.
In today’s world, we are constantly influenced by external and artificial opinions, demands, and expectations. Our awareness and harmony are frequently disrupted by sensory distractions like loud noises and bright lights. In modern society, we often learn to rely on others’ opinions even more than on our own wisdom. We trust others’ “knowledge” and “professionalism” over our own inner voice. What do others know about our true needs, after all? How can others fulfill our true desires and guide us toward our true path and calling? It is alarming how much we rely on others’ opinions and knowledge about crucial aspects of our personal lives and choices. This modern age of information overload and the quest for external validation has made it easy to seek knowledge and approval from outside sources. Meanwhile, many have lost touch with their intuition. It’s easy to get lost in this era of hustle and hurry. Yet, there is always a possibility to reconnect with your intuition.
We often seek guidance from others when the best and most suitable guidance could come from within. The greatest wisdom regarding your decisions, well-being, needs, and desires lies within your subconscious knowing. That wisdom is always within your reach—anywhere, anytime. You need only to harness your greatest superpower. Connect with your intuition and listen to its guidance. Learn to trust your intuition and recognize the cues it sends, interpreting their unique meanings to you. Each subtle sensation has its own meaning; for some, a sudden feeling of shivers might signify a resounding “yes, go ahead,” while for you, it might mean “no way.” It’s up to you to interpret the meaning of each cue. That is the beauty of intuition. The connection with intuition is unique, its effects are captivating and powerful, yet it remains so natural.
Trust your intuition over external opinions—it’s the key to making decisions that resonate with your true self.
Even if you feel disconnected from your intuition, I have great news. Your inner wisdom is innate and natural; it has not gone anywhere. It may have been sending you guidance all along, just without your awareness. The connection simply needs revitalization. When you start paying attention, listening, and being aware, you’ll strengthen your connection with your intuition. Begin by adding moments of stillness and quietness to your days. Aim for distraction-free moments. In peaceful times, hearing your inner voice becomes easier. You may also use mantras to strengthen your trust in intuition. Here are some of my favorite mantras for fostering this connection:
- I trust my inner voice.
- I am deeply connected with my inner wisdom.
- I surrender to receiving.
You might pose a simple question to your intuition and await the response. The response may come as a sensation, so be mindful of all your senses. It may also come as an external sign, such as seeing or hearing something that feels deeply meaningful and related to your reflection. These signs might seem like coincidences, but as meaningful coincidences, they are truly synchronicities meant for you. Synchronicities are not mere coincidences, and you will sense when something carries a meaningful message. Giving your intuition space and appreciation is the first step in strengthening this incredible wisdom within you. If you already feel connected with your intuition, I am very happy for you. Embrace it, shower it with gratitude, love, and appreciation. Even if you feel connected, some intuition-strengthening rituals are always beneficial.
So, dear friend, I encourage you to use your intuition to break through illusions. Illusions are “realities” constructed by external opinions, beliefs, and conditioning. They are built on external and artificial guidance and knowledge. What may seem like your reality is not necessarily constructed by your heart and soul. Illusions might appear valid but may not be right or honest to your mind, body, and soul based on your true needs and desires. Connecting with your intuition helps you discern what is real, true, and meant for your greater well-being. Illusions are meant to be broken, and you have the power to break them by becoming aware of them. This awareness comes from questioning the beliefs and opinions around you and tuning into the guidance of your inner voice. It involves being aware of the sensations, emotions, and synchronicities within and around you.
Intuition is your inner force, and you might also consider it your best friend and greatest ally. You have the power, sweet friend. You have the wisdom and knowledge. You are the wisdom and knowledge. Connecting with your intuition is truly empowering. I encourage you to start your journey to reclaim this intuition power as soon as you can. This is the intuition revolution. Let’s enhance our intuition connection together. La Mia Luna is another ally of yours, alongside your own intuition, on this journey to a deeper connection with your heart and soul.
Wishing you powerful moments with your inner wisdom,
Mimi 🌙