At La Mia Luna, you are often invited to explore the profound connection to your true self. Recognizing and embracing your core essence is vital for thriving in life and attaining deep satisfaction. But what is your true self? While it may seem obvious, many of us have lost touch with this essential aspect in our modern world.
The root issue lies in our failure to listen to ourselves. Constantly rushing, we strive to achieve goals set by external influences rather than our own inner desires. This relentless pursuit leads to an alarming realization: are we living the life we truly yearn for, one that aligns with our deepest needs and desires? Do we feel a genuine sense of purpose and meaning?
We are perpetually bombarded with societal demands and pressures—expectations to become something and pressures to achieve something else. Endless opinions and opportunities for comparison surround us, making it easy to lose ourselves in a jungle of pre-defined life models.
How do we dare to be different? How do we embrace our individuality? This courage is the key to reconnecting with our true selves.
A fulfilling, meaningful life is unique to each of us and cannot be defined by anyone else. Only you know what your ideal life looks like. Meaning is deeply personal; what is significant to one may be inconsequential to another. This is the beauty of our uniqueness. Thus, it is crucial to take the time to cultivate your own desires and needs.
Your true self is your most authentic version. It embodies the innate gifts you are destined to bring into the light in this lifetime. It is the source of your joy and your deep connection to life. When you connect to your true self, life flows effortlessly, imbued with purpose and meaning. You know what you do and why you do it. Your decisions are guided by your own needs, not by the expectations of others.
Coming home to yourself is paramount. Self-knowledge is the most valuable skill you can cultivate. When you truly know your true self, you can exist for others in your most valuable and genuine form. Life is not solely about the self; it is about the connections we create and nurture. To form the deepest possible connections with others, we must first establish a profound connection with our true self.
So, how do you reconnect with your true self? Begin by stopping the rush and forcing. These habits likely weaken your connection to yourself. In a state of rush, there is rarely enough space and time for awareness. You need stillness and silence to reach your true emotions and thoughts.
In moments of stillness, become aware of your body-mind connection. Your body sends you messages constantly—do you notice them? What makes you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? These messages indicate whether you are on the right path. This journey is about intuitive connection and listening to your inner voice.
This connection can also be described as a soul connection. When something feels meant to be, you are in tune with your unique calling. Notice the growth opportunities in challenging situations—they are always present. Embrace these challenges as guidance from the Universe, helping you draw closer to your true essence.

Questions to Help You Connect with Your Soul
Your true self is your inspiration for life, embodying your principles and values. Use these questions to connect with your soul:
- What did you enjoy most as a child?
- What do you always wish you had more time for?
- What truly lights you up?
- What makes you lose track of time?
- What have you dreamt about but haven’t dared to do?
- If money, time, and health were unlimited, how would you spend your days?
- What do you see as your unique gift, skill, or talent?
- How can your skills serve the greater good and help others?
- How would you define your life’s purpose in one sentence?
I encourage you to release the expectations and beliefs others have about you. This journey is about you! Challenge yourself to surprise yourself with your thoughts. The answers lie within your subconscious. Allow them to surface proudly. Give these questions time to resonate. The best answers often come with time, but they will come—trust me.
Once you discover your true self, align everything you do with its desires. This life is about your needs and values. Adjust your surroundings accordingly and live with intention. It is your birthright to thrive. You deserve the very best in life.
Book Recommendations for Deepening Your Connection with Your True Self
Lately, I have really enjoyed reading Case Kenny’s book That’s Bold of You. This book is truly an invitation to embrace your most authentic self and not worry too much about others’ expectations. Case is exceptional at finding the right words to encourage everyone to live for themselves and their own desires. He offers a hypnotic pep talk about choosing the life path that feels just right for you. I warmly recommend this book to everyone.
For all the spiritual seekers out there, I highly recommend Deepak Chopra’s books. He profoundly explores life’s purpose and soul connection. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is my top recommendation, as its concepts are both easy to grasp and deeply thought-provoking.
With these words and recommendations I warmly invite you to embrace this journey of self-discovery, for it leads to a life of purpose, joy, and authentic connections.
Wishing you love, light and a great journey to your true self,
Mimi 🌙

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