August 23rd marks the end of the boastful and extravagant Leo season and a turning point into more grounding energies with the beginning of Virgo season. The energetic shift is remarkable. From the active, high-soaring, exuberant, and very extroverted creative ambiance, you are now invited to embrace solitude and appreciate routines that foster a reflective mindset.
How to Harness Virgo Season Energy for Personal Growth
Virgo is a mutable sign representing the element of earth. Being mutable means possessing the ability to blend different qualities, energies, and elements for new outcomes. Mutable signs are the alchemists of the zodiac, with an amazing ability to adapt to various situations. Earth, as an element, highlights modesty, focus, and grounding. This is not the time for hurrying or making sudden decisions and actions. The earthy ambiance encourages you to take your time and be very mindful of your actions and their effects.
Virgo season cultivates the trait of discernment. Virgo is naturally not prone to over-exaggeration or underestimation. Being strictly focused and detail-oriented, Virgo energy is helpful for spotting opportunities for change and improvement. Harness this Virgo potential to identify areas in your life that need enhancement right now.
Virgo energy offers great potential for focusing on topics that truly matter to you. Virgo season is the perfect time to honor the important focal points in your life and take the time to cultivate them. Virgo energy also embodies persistence. There’s significant potential for cultivating willpower and resilience, using them for your greater good.
The ruling planet of Virgo is Mercury. Mercury’s energy is about the mind, visions, and ideas. When combined with Virgo energy, it’s about details, concepts, and rationalization. The Virgo mind is highly rational and actively engaged in thinking. This makes Virgo season perfect for diving into new ideas and plans for the future. What dreams do you want to actualize? This is the ideal time to start making those dreams a reality. Clear communication is also your superpower during this season. Use your words with kindness and express your thoughts with clarity.

Living Intentionally During Virgo Season: Tips for Meeting Your Inner Virgo’s Needs
Virgo season encourages you to focus on your health. As always here at La Mia Luna, you are gently reminded that health is a holistic concept, encompassing the mind, body, and soul. Your inner Virgo craves great routines and rituals that best serve your holistic health. Slowing down and reflecting on your relationship with health and well-being is essential during this time. A significant part of Virgo’s well-being is the inner feeling of safety. It’s crucial for your inner Virgo to feel at home in your own body. How can you adjust your routines, and perhaps your mindset, to feel more comfortable?
One of the most profound needs of the Virgo within you is to be of service. This involves enhancing your relationships with the collective around you. The theme of being of service invites you to reflect on your generosity. What can you offer to others? We all have unique strengths and gifts that can be used for the greater good. Virgo season is the ideal time to generously share your gifts with those around you. Virgo energy also highlights kindness and consideration. How can you bring this kind of energy into your daily life during this Virgo season? Acts of kindness and kind words cost nothing but have the potential to create a ripple effect of goodness.
Virgo season reminds us to honor reliability. During this time, you might reflect on how you show up for those around you. Virgo season aims to convey trustworthy energy. The inner need for feeling safe is connected to how you contribute to a secure atmosphere around you. It’s time to raise the vibrations to a more reliable and safe level, so we can all feel more comfortable.
Virgo Season Is the Best Time to Align with Nature’s Cycles
A less commonly mentioned theme of Virgo season is the connection with nature. Virgo, as an earth sign, reminds us to embrace our connection with nature. Virgo encourages us to appreciate grounding, being still, and forming a connection with our natural surroundings. With Virgo themes intertwined with routines, rituals, and nature connection, this season is an excellent time to reflect on your alignment with the cycles of nature. This might mean simply being aware of the changing seasons. Right now, summer is slowly transitioning into autumn. Nature is shedding the abundance of the summer season—trees are losing their leaves, birds are on the move. Nature is preparing for a slower pace, hibernating, gathering, and preserving energy for the approaching darkest time of the year.
With the changing natural rhythms in mind, I encourage you to think about how your own daily routines and rituals align with the changing of seasons. How does the autumn season affect your routines? As natural rhythms slow down, I encourage you to do the same. Adjust your schedules to a softer, more flexible pace. Reflect on the hustle and bustle of the past summer with gratitude, and prepare to shift into a more energy-preserving mode. During Virgo season, I encourage you to spend more time in nature to strengthen your connection with the earth element. When in nature, feel the earth beneath your feet. Touch the trees. Engage all your senses in experiencing nature, and let the connection grow stronger, nourishing you. Nature connection is your path to harmony during this Virgo season.
A great way to align with natural cycles is to stay tuned with the current moon cycle. You can find the new moon and full moon guidance at La Mia Luna each month. To plan your cyclical living further, you are warmly invited to explore the seasonal calendar here. There, you will find important dates for the moon cycle, zodiac sign seasons, and natural season changes.
Tips for Managing the Shadow Side of Virgo Energy Effectively
Virgo energy is about noticing subtle nuances and tuning in to details. Sometimes this trait can lead to perfectionism. There’s a potential to become stuck in a lack mindset, focusing more on what’s wrong or missing than on the possibilities. Refocusing on abundance can nurture a worried Virgo soul. See what you already have, and practice appreciation to attract more greatness into your life instead of dwelling on lack.
The drive for perfectionism might also trigger anxiety and catastrophizing. It’s typical for Virgos to be ruled by their minds. This is why you need to remember that you are not your thoughts. Choose to be the observer of your thoughts rather than their slave. One of my favorite quotes is, “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.” You are truly the master of your thoughts. Be aware of where your thoughts are leading you. Remember, if you notice your thoughts misaligning you from your greater good, you always have the power to change course and realign.
Being ruled by rational thoughts might sometimes block the free expression of emotions. To avoid this, it’s important to find a suitable outlet for your emotions regularly, whether through journaling, talking, or mindful movement. Honor the process of letting go of thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you. Take time for restoring and rejuvenating your mental well-being.
Virgo’s tendency towards kindness and service also reminds you to be mindful of your boundaries. Be aware of when you’re feeling uncomfortable—this is likely a sign that your boundaries are being crossed. You have the right to prioritize your own needs. Taking care of yourself is the only way to be truly and authentically of service to others.
Exploring the Tarot Card of Virgo Season: Key Messages and Interpretations
Virgo is connected with the tarot card Hermit. The Hermit stands alone, his guiding light as his companion. In his solitude, he has time for deep reflection. His mind, like a Virgo’s, is very active and focused on finding solutions. He’s not stuck in limiting beliefs but is instead searching for possibilities. The Hermit doesn’t let emotions overrule his rational mind. Once the guiding light, the next step, is established, he’s ready to continue his journey with resilience and persistence.
The Hermit also serves as a teacher. He is an example to others, sharing his deep inner wisdom and knowledge. After deep soul searching and learning from his actions, he can share his insights with others. This process of gathering knowledge doesn’t happen overnight; it requires deep reflection in solitude. This is what the Hermit encourages us all to do: take time for reflection by yourself. Define your thoughts and perspectives. Define your values. Define your goals. Connect these themes with your collective. How is everything interconnected in your life? What can you learn, and how can you evolve? The Hermit inspires those around him because he is aware of his past, his shadow side, and acts rationally in response to them. He’s ready to redefine himself and share his learnings with others. He’s aware, and he’s of service, in a perfect Virgoan manner.

La Mia Luna’s Intuitive Choices for Virgo Season Themes
- Practicing discernment
- Enhancing your connection with nature
- Forming healthy routines and rituals for optimal mind, body, and soul well-being
- Being mindful of your boundaries
These are the themes you are invited to cultivate during this Virgo season. You are warmly encouraged to delve deeper into these themes through journaling. Taking time to write always opens new pathways to your subconscious and intuition. Reflection helps you acknowledge your deepest needs and desires and understand what your heart and soul truly crave at this moment.
What This Virgo Season Asks of You
Virgo season demands a lot of focus and asks you to recognize opportunities for change. While mastering your focus points, take time for appreciation. Acknowledge your efforts and give thanks to yourself. Notice even the smallest steps of progress. Virgo season offers a gentle reminder that it’s essential to soften and enjoy life instead of constantly striving for perfection. There’s natural magic around you that Virgo energy encourages you to notice. You already have so much greatness in your life to be thankful for.
Enhance your connection with nature. Align yourself with the changing seasons. Allow yourself to change the rhythm of your everyday life to a slower pace. Stay aware of natural cycles and your own natural rhythms, and alchemize them for your greater wellness.
This Virgo season encourages you to focus on your everyday life and how it supports your well-being. Take time to redefine your routines and rituals to optimize your well-being on the mind, body, and soul levels. Your well-being is your priority. Solitude and reflection will help you find your guiding light. It’s acceptable to think rationally right now. Virgo energy honors a hardworking attitude. This is why it’s crucial to balance work, play, and rest.
Let your inner Virgo enter a reflective mode, and let your intuition guide you as you reflect on these themes:
1. In what areas of my life do I feel the most misaligned, and how can I use Virgo’s energy to bring more balance and clarity to these areas?
2. What specific routines or rituals can I create during Virgo season to support my mind, body, and soul, and how can I ensure they align with my highest intentions?
3. How can I embrace the process of gradual progress rather than striving for perfection, and what small steps can I take to celebrate and acknowledge my achievements?
4. How can I incorporate more mindfulness and self-reflection into my daily life to deepen my connection with my inner self and support my spiritual growth during Virgo season?
5. What unique strengths and gifts do I have that I can offer to others, and how can I use these to enhance my relationships and contribute positively to my community during Virgo season?

Intuitive Virgo Spirit Message for the La Mia Luna Collective
The perfectionist in you might think that nothing is ever enough, but dear curious soul, you are enough and worthy as you are. Embrace simplicity and a natural way of life, and focus on your mind, body, and soul well-being. The healthy rituals you establish today will align your tomorrow with your greater self.
Wishing you harmony, love, and profound insights,
Mimi 🌙